Wrap String With Quotes
Have you ever found yourself needing to edit a long list with usernames, and you had to go in and manually clean that list up, format it properly, wrap it in quotes and so forth? Yeah, it’s painful, but I finally found this handy regex statement that makes it all better.
Expression: (.+) Replace with: '$1'
So let’s take we have a regular user list
After running the regex, we have them all neatly wrapped in quotes
Now we have this nice list, but let’s say we need that as a string in a line. regex? Yeah no problem!
Expression: [\n\r] Replace with: ,
Oh so handy, hope it saves you some time!
Adding another, removing blank lines in a script
^(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))+
Replace this with nothing to remove all empty lines. :¬)