Allow mail enabled Public Folders in o365 to accept mail from external domains
So you are in a hybrid environment and moved your Public Folders to o365 but suddenly 3rd party people can no longer send you emails?
Yeah… try this:
# For all Public Folders Get-PublicFolder -Recurse | Add-PublicFolderClientPermission -User Anonymous -AccessRights CreateItems # For a specific Public Folder Get-PublicFolder -identity "\Folder" | Add-PublicFolderClientPermission -User Anonymous -AccessRights CreateItems
O365 Transport Rule Oddity
Trying to block zip files with O365 seems a little painful, as the default GUI does not really give you the option (anymore?) If you Google, you might find screenshots with options to select the attachment but when I checked our GUI, that was all that I saw:
Clearly, there is no option to look for attachments, other than what the attachments CONTAIN.
So, trying PowerShell, something interesting happened.
New-TransportRule -Name 'Rule - Block password protected zip' -Priority '0' -Enabled $true ` -AttachmentExtensionMatchesWords 'zip' -RejectMessageReasonText 'Sorry your mail was blocked because it contained a zip file.' ` -StopRuleProcessing $true -SetAuditSeverity Low -SenderAddressLocation HeaderorEnvelope
Executing this PowerShell command, it created a new rule, that now had more/different options than the rule you could create from the GUI!
And now you can block file extensions and stuff to your heart’s content.
Oddities ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Recover deleted email from a shared mailbox
We had a $user who deleted ALL emails from a shared mailbox and you might notice that the option to recover deleted items is grayed out and you cannot select it.
We need to set a registry key to turn that option on.
Key for 32-bit Outlook on a 32-bit version of Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Exchange\Client\Options Key for 32-bit Outlook on a 64-bit version of Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Exchange\Client\Options Key for 64-bit Outlook on a 64-bit version of Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Exchange\Client\Options
Create a new DWORD value with the name ‘DumpsterAlwaysOn’ and a value of 1.
Easy via PowerShell:
if(!(test-path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Exchange\Client\Options")){ New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Exchange\Client" -Name 'Options' $props = @{ # Pick the right path for your OS and Office Version path = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Exchange\Client\Options" name = 'DumpsterAlwaysOn' value = '1' propertytype = 'DWORD' force = $true verbose = $true } New-ItemProperty @props }else{ $props = @{ # Pick the right path for your OS and Office Version path = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Exchange\Client\Options" name = 'DumpsterAlwaysOn' value = '1' propertytype = 'DWORD' force = $true verbose = $true } New-ItemProperty @props }
You have to close Outlook and start it again and voila, you can restore items.
PowerShell now even easier to install on CentOS
Want to use PowerShell on your CentOS box? Easier than ever!
# Change to root sudo su # Register the Microsoft RedHat repository curl > /etc/yum.repos.d/microsoft.repo # Exit root mode exit # Install PowerShell sudo yum install -y powershell # Start PowerShell powershell # Update PowerShell sudo yum update powershell
Cluster shared folder – The object already exists
Grr run into this before, you create a new folder, give it a new name and somehow your cluster thinks, nah we already have that in there. I double and triple checked ‘Share and Storage Management’, there was no shared folder like that for sure.
Well, good ‘ol regedit to the rescue.
And indeed, for some odd reason, there was a key with that name in there.
If you find a share that doesn’t belong, you can delete the key for the share on all nodes.